Mint belongs to the lamiacea family, a huge group that includes many culinary herbs - basil, rosemary, sage, thyme, oregano, hyssop, and marjoram. The popular chia seed also comes from this family group. Fresh, green, lively, up-lifting.That is what comes to mind immediately when I hear the word "mint". I think of it as a lively herb that wants to be added to the end of a dish's cooking time, or just gently infused in hot water, or minced and sprinkled on a dessert. It acts delicately in the kitchen but is a monster in the garden so don't be fooled. Mint is best planted in the back of the yard, far from the herb garden. I like to plant it in wet areas that are hard to mow. It takes over a ditch like no other and gives its mood changing scent freely when walked on, brushed or cut. We grow many types of mint - apple, ginger, variegate pineapple, peppermint, spearmint, chocolate, orange, Corsican, Moroccan, Kentucky Colonel, Mojito, Mountain, and Spanish. Did you know there were so many kinds?
- Sprinkle mint over vanilla ice cream
- Add mint to smoothies
- Add mint, cilantro and thai basil to any broth for a South East Asian bend
- Steep a handful of mint in just boiled water. Drink hot or cold
- Add a sprig of mint to your water bottle. You just might drink more water.
- Easy mojito - muddle fresh mint with ice and sugar and lime in the bottom of a glass, add 1 oz rum, then fill the glass with club soda.
- Stir together chopped mint, chopped cilantro, a little bit of finely crushed garlic, a pinch of salt and greek yogurt for an easy condiment that goes well with Indian food, veggie burgers, fallafel, roasted vegetables, baked winter squash, baked potatoes and roasted sweet potatoes.
- Mint dries easily and can be stored all winter for a bright cup of herbal tea.